Louisville began as a modest mining town in 1878, and has evolved to become one of the most livable small towns in the United States. Historic preservation offers an opportunity for the city to celebrate its past and ensure its heritage continues to be an important component of what makes this community special. 

Louisville’s unique voluntary preservation program, with its dedicated sales tax, recognizes the historical and architectural significance of over 40 local landmarks.

The Historic Preservation Commission and staff also provide outreach and education to the Louisville community on a variety of issues pertaining to historic preservation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to take care of my historic structure?
How can I preserve my historic structure and get incentives? or How can I get one of those awesome plaques?
How do I get money to preserve or add to my landmarked building?
What happens if I want to make changes a landmarked property?
What if I want to make changes to a structure that is old but not landmarked?
How much bigger can I build when I preserve or landmark my property?
What is the process for historic preservation applications? What are the current projects under review?