Disposable Bag Tax Logo

In 2020, Louisville voters approved Ballot Question 2A, which aims to reduce single-use bag consumption within the community by applying a $0.25 tax on every paper and plastic bag provided to the customer by a Louisville retailer.

Beginning January 1, 2022, all stores in Louisville are required to charge $0.25 for every plastic or paper bag used at checkout. 

Residents can pick up a FREE reusable bag at City Hall (749 Main Street).

Bring your own bag, and never pay the tax!

Residential FAQ

If you have additional questions regarding the disposable bag tax not covered in the FAQ, please email info@louisvilleco.gov

What's changing in Louisville with the statewide disposable bag fee in 2023?
Has the bag tax been deferred due to the Marshall Fire?
What is the disposable bag tax?
Why does the City have a disposable bag tax?
What stores can I anticipate to see the tax on my receipts?
What is and isn't a disposable bag?
Why is the tax on plastic and paper bags and why don’t we just promote recycling?
Am I going to be charged for delivery and pick up services?
Are low-income individuals exempt from the tax?
Has this been done elsewhere in Colorado?
When did the bag tax go into effect?