Live, Q&A Event for the Future 42 Project - this is a drop in event where residents and commuters will have the opportunity to ask the project team questions about the project and the online survey. Register for the event by visiting the project website
www.Future42.Info or going direct to the registration page:
Webinar Registration - Zoom
The City of Lafayette and the City of Louisville invite residents and commuters to share their feedback on the Future of State Highway 42 during Phase 2 of the Future 42 Project.
In May last year, over 100 members of our communities shared their thoughts on the future of Highway 42 Corridor (also known as 95th Street or Courtesy Road) in Lafayette and Louisville for people who walk, wheel, ride transit, or drive.
Residents and commuters may now offer feedback on the three alternatives that have been developed for each intersection along the Highway 42 Corridor. Residents and commuters will have the opportunity to evaluate each alternative indicating what elements they prefer. This Phase 2 engagement period runs from Feb. 14 through March 4 with a live, online Q&A on Thursday, Feb. 24.