Our wildflower hikes have turned into a summer series with this third offering! The August bloom will be quite different than the June bloom, so join us again!
Join Open Space Volunteer and wildflower blogger, Tamar Krantz, to search for wildflower blooms on Davidson Mesa and identify them. Once you know a flower by name, you can easily learn more; either by reading more about it on the internet, or just observing its distribution, seasonal changes, and relationships with other organisms. We’ll walk about a quarter of a mile to the ridge and work together on a flower checklist along a short loop trail.
Space is limited so please register to attend. All participants will be required to maintain a 6-foot distance with anyone not in their household and wear a cloth face covering. Please stay home if you are sick.
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wildflower-hike-on-davidson-mesa-round-3-tickets-162681908969