Wildlife Games
When: Saturday, September 7th from 2:00 to 3:00 pm
Where: Keith Helart Park, Monarch Ct.
Appropriate Audience: Ages 5-12
Description: Can you walk like a bear? Can you jump as far as a frog? Can you find prey using echolocation like a bat?
Join the Louisville Ranger Naturalist and play some fun games focused on the movements and ecology of local wildlife! Kids will touch animal pelts, learn how animals walk, see how far they can jump, and play other wild life related games!
Please RSVP through Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/o/city-of-louisville-open-space-division-17282762368 or by visiting our Facebook page “Fans of Louisville Open Space and Parks” and click on the event you wish to attend to obtain a free ticket. You can also register by contacting staff at Openspace@LouisvilleCO.gov or 303-335-4770.