
The City's adopted zoning regulations serve to promote coordinated and sound development and provide for higher quality site and land planning.

Most subdivisions in Louisville are regulated by a Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning overlay. This overlay is a flexible zoning instrument that modifies the underlying zoning district regulations. PUDs are available for review through the city's map

For questions regarding the zoning of a particular property or for information such as setbacks, lot coverage and building height regulations, please contact Planning at 303.335.4592 or email us. Please include the address of the property in question.


Design Standards & Guidelines

Design standards and guidelines are a critical tool to help guide development in a way that can help realize the community’s goals and objectives. Ultimately, the design standards and guidelines are intended to:

  1. Provide clear objectives for those embarking on the planning and design of projects in Louisville.
  2. Increase awareness of design considerations among the citizens of Louisville.
  3. To maintain and enhance property values within Louisville.
